Monday, December 28, 2009

New Year's Eve Service @ Watchnight Service...

New Year's Eve Service will be on the 31st of December 2009 (THURSDAY) night .

venue: FGC
time: 8pm-12am
light refreshments will be provided...
don't worry about the transportation back....

**take note there will be no friday service on the following day.

on the 1st of January 2010, there will be an outing in the evening ...probably 'makan' and movie... do join us again if you all can make it...

Monday, November 30, 2009


Jn.1:12-I am God's child

Jn.15:15-Saya adalah kawan Yesus

Rom.5:1-I have been justified

1Cor.6:17-I am united with the Lord,one spirit with him

Eph.1:1- I am a saint

Col.2:10-Saya adalah lengkap dalam Yesus

Eph.1:5-I have been adopted as God's child

Col.1:14-I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sin

1Cor.12:27-Saya adalah ahli badan Yesus

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Well,it was 13th November 2009,the last service for fgc this semester.Service went on as usual but not alot of people turned up due to finals and some had already went back to their respective hometowns.We had a special speaker that day..It was also the last service for bro Eric and Richie in fgc.Wish them all the best in their future undertakings and may the lord bless and guide them always.Apparently,Bro Eric shared something with the church for his last service in fgc and also presented a self-made picture to the church.He handed the pic to pastor Leonard.
Hapi Holidays and c u guys next sem,god bless,

Saturday, February 21, 2009

God has certainly blessed the event 'The Love from Above' held in FGC Changlun on the 13th February '09. The turnout was very good on that day as about a hundred students attended the function. The message was conveyed by Bro. Jimmy Wang of SUFES.

The next event FGC Changlun is organizing will be on the 13th March '09. Start thinking of friends to invite. This would be the opportunity to share Christ with our friends who has yet come to know Him. Most importantly, pray that God would soften their hearts to come to the event. And it is not by our effort that the person comes into a relationship with Him, but rather it is the Holy Spirit who convicts a person's heart.

Pray that they too would know of the Saviour's love on that night. Pray also, for wisdom in organizing the event and that the message of the Gospel is preached. The success of the event comes from God alone.

Wishing you all a blessed week ahead and ALL THE BEST IN THE MID-SEMESTER EXAMS!!!

God bless.

In Christ,

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Come next Friday(14th February 2009) is Valentine’s Day and here’s some food for thought. Before that, an item entitled, ‘Love from above’ will be held in our church on the 13th February 2009. 

When we talk about love, do we really know what it means, especially for us Christians? Think back to the days when you were new in the family of Christ, what actually attracted us to enter into a relationship with Him?

Is love merely an emotion that one experiences and a good feeling that occasionally and momentarily warms our heart? It has definitely nothing to do with the oh-so stale subject such as the BGR(Boy-Girl-Relationship) or a celebration to commemorate what some guy named Valentine did for his lover. Or is it some sort of an infatuation(in chic lit terms: a crush)?

 This brings us back to the question earlier on; it is because of His great love. God’s love in action through Jesus Christ and also, all the events that God was involved in in the lives of us humans. It was not only the death He paid for us on Calvary’s tree, but also His ministry days on earth. We loved Him because He first loved us. The initiative taken to draw us back to Himself, because there is simply NO WAY we’re able to do so by our own means. Allow me to put it in other words, we can NEVER draw ourselves to Him by whatever our human means. 

Also, there’s nothing good in us that validates us to all the blessings we receive. As Romans 5(kindly open your bibles) puts it, “While we were still sinners, Christ still died for us. The hymn writer has expressed this, “And can it be, that I should gain an interest in the Saviour’s blood?”. Even the vilest(baddest!) of us humans will receive forgiveness from God because of the death of His own son, Jesus Christ. 

No human love can demonstrate this. Ourselves, including myself, can’t possibly love those closest to us perfectly, how are we then, to love those whom we think are ‘hopeless’ cases, destitutes and some people whom we would rather not associate ourselves with? Jesus did all that when He was on earth before his death and ascension to heaven. He had meals with sinners, tax collectors and what nots! It was indeed very radical at Jesus’ time, so imagine having lunch and chatting with the most ‘uncool’ and ‘weirdest’ person in your college or your faculty?   =)

Haha. It doesn’t stop here. God even adopted us as His children and made us co-heirs with Christ!!! How marvellous is this? He also listens and answers us when we pray to Him. What sort of love is this? As the theme for the following Friday(on the 13th February) answers this question… It is divine love. ‘Love From Above’. 

God bless. Please pray for all the friends that we're bringing that they may one day come to know and accept Christ as their Saviour and enter into a relationship with Him. =)

Full Gospel Changlun

Peace, in the name of our Lord Jesus! A very warm welcome to Full Gospel Church Changlun's English Department very own blog. Feel free to browse around and check us out weekly for any updates on the service and other activities.

This blog is for God's Glory.... spread the love ,,, share HIS love....

Prayer For The Week

1. Pray for continued political stability in Malaysia.
2. Pray for the implementation of the budget stimuli by the government so far will benefit everyone.

1. Continue to pray for your non-christian friend(s) so that one day they will be part of our family in Christ. REMEMBER SALVATION.........
2. Pray for the upcoming evangelistic event coming soon will be a successful one.
3. Pray for the invitees that God would open their hearts to be perceptive so that they would come and the gospel to be preached effectively
4. Pray that all the activities that already plan will be a successful one and for God's glory.

1. Pray that the students would seek God diligently through their quiet time despite their hectic schedule in balancing their homework and extra-curricular activities.
2. Pray that the members of the cell groups in each laluans would actively contribute in their respective cells.
3. Pray for our lecturers, neighbours, coursemates .....

Matriculation students....
1. Pray for more Christians students in Kedah Matriculation College to attend the weekly service.
2. Pray that they can do well in their studies.

National Service Students...
1. Pray that they would feel welcome and are able to integrate into the church.
2. Pray that God would bless them with good health and perseverance during their stay at the camp. Also, that God would minister to each of them.

Pastor and the church members ( president , excos,,, others ....etc.....)
1. Pray that they can manage their time carefully.
2. Pray that everyone is in good health...