Tuesday, December 23, 2008

what have u been doing?

It's amazing how time flies. This is my last semester studying in UUM and my last "long break/holiday" before i go back to study and then start working. I've been telling myself to enjoy my last holiday cos i don't think i'm going to have another one in a long while. I want to laze around, sleep alot, do nothing and eat to my hearts content. But this holiday, i did not do all that. In fact i was always awake and thinking, planning...there's never a time where i can really relax and not worry about anything. 

Then again..i remembered praying to God that i do not want to waste my holiday by doing nothing. I want to do something to improve something. Anything. I want to do something for Him. I want to be busy for my God no matter where i am. I may be having a break from my studies but this service I pledge myself to will never end. I can't imagine not having my God in my life. With Him much closer to me in my life, my boring life have become interesting. And i can't wait what will be for me in the future. 

As the holidays coming to an end soon, enjoy the rest of ur holidays no matter which semester u are now. I challenge you to draw near to God and u'll see many wonders in ur life unfold..

Blessed Christmas to you and a Happy new year. 

Full Gospel Changlun

Peace, in the name of our Lord Jesus! A very warm welcome to Full Gospel Church Changlun's English Department very own blog. Feel free to browse around and check us out weekly for any updates on the service and other activities.

This blog is for God's Glory.... spread the love ,,, share HIS love....

Prayer For The Week

1. Pray for continued political stability in Malaysia.
2. Pray for the implementation of the budget stimuli by the government so far will benefit everyone.

1. Continue to pray for your non-christian friend(s) so that one day they will be part of our family in Christ. REMEMBER SALVATION.........
2. Pray for the upcoming evangelistic event coming soon will be a successful one.
3. Pray for the invitees that God would open their hearts to be perceptive so that they would come and the gospel to be preached effectively
4. Pray that all the activities that already plan will be a successful one and for God's glory.

1. Pray that the students would seek God diligently through their quiet time despite their hectic schedule in balancing their homework and extra-curricular activities.
2. Pray that the members of the cell groups in each laluans would actively contribute in their respective cells.
3. Pray for our lecturers, neighbours, coursemates .....

Matriculation students....
1. Pray for more Christians students in Kedah Matriculation College to attend the weekly service.
2. Pray that they can do well in their studies.

National Service Students...
1. Pray that they would feel welcome and are able to integrate into the church.
2. Pray that God would bless them with good health and perseverance during their stay at the camp. Also, that God would minister to each of them.

Pastor and the church members ( president , excos,,, others ....etc.....)
1. Pray that they can manage their time carefully.
2. Pray that everyone is in good health...